RPG World Archives.
The first comicToday's comic

Friday, August 24-

Finally, Galgarion is back in the comic! Oh, how I've missed him and his nuttiness. You see, Galgarion was in the party the whole time.... people came close to figuring it out but nobody got it[I think]. But what's funny is how hard it was to convince people that Galgarion was in the party. I think I proved over, and over and over that Galgarion was in the main party, but all people said was "Ohh! It must be Plum!" Which... doesn't make any sense. I almost got confused myself. Ah well! Galgarion's back.

Oh, and to reiterate something my friend Jin said on the message boards(which I just read), Yes, the story in RPG World is pretty much all planned out. I take a detour here and there, but the Eikre-shippers didn't "win me over" or anything, if anyone was thinking that. I planned him to be a good guy.

This week I've been enjoying the Cartoon Network run of Dragonball. A lot. I hated FUNimation for a long number of years... and well, it's time to end my grudge against them. Dragonball was a series that I fell in love with when the first FUNimation dub was released (like in 1995 or something) and watching it again has been a REAL treat.  This time around, however, the series has improved dubbing, improved edits and the original score(which is REALLY cool, I give a big thank you if anyone from FUNimation ever reads this ^^). Unfortunately, Kidmark still owns the rights to the first 13 Dragonball eps, meaning I won't get to see the "No Balls" joke on DVD until their licence runs out. Oh well, seeing Kamesennin do a funny lecherous act will pacify me.

---Ian J.

The first comicToday's comic
 JUL   August 2001   SEP
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