Friday, August 17-
Wellity, wellity, wellity,
RPG World is on a track for a very fast paced, shocking and wacky storyline
for these next weeks. So don't miss it!
Actually, if you miss it,
you can just look at it later in the Archives, so it doesn't matter if
you read or not. Ha. saying "don't miss it!" in this wacky internet generation
just doesn't work.
Recently, a good buddy of
mine, Jon Gray, started up a pair of webcomics, Chip
and Walter and Time Trouble. I wouldnt be plugging him like this unless
I loved the comics he does. And I do. Plus I admire the fact that he's
doing 2 daily comics at once, which I couldnt do If I wanted to. So visit
you monkeys.
Oh, speaking about monkeys,
NOW, YOU MONKEYS! Really. You've got to use that address in stead of the
keenspace one. One day the keenspace one will dissapear and you won't know
what to do.
Oh yeah! Cartoon
Community interviewed me! now go, read about the man behind the legend....
or something..
Yeah, I'm about done for
now. I have nothing to rant about, and you don't want to read my pointless
ramblings, do you?

---Ian J.